
 Building the Future of Marine and Costal Socio-Ecosystems


S1 : Science and imaginations of the sea : to the tides to the abysses

Conveners : Pierre Gernez, Gilles Lazuech, Frédéric Le Blay et Sophie Pardo

Keynote : Jean-Claude Dunyach, auteur de l'Imaginaire (Editions l'Atalante)

 S2:Seas and coastlines : controversies about resources, knowledge and uses

Conveners: Hélène Desfontaines, Sarah Ghaffari, Marie Ponnet

Keynote: Nicolas Benvegnu - SciencesPo Medialab, Paris.

 S3: Climate change and social-ecological marine systems : from observations to complex models

Conveners: Patrice Guillotreau, Stephanie Mahévas, Lise Bellanger

Keynote :Olivier Maury (IRD, MARBEC)

S4: Climate change for coastal communities, infrastructure and cities: risks, adaptation and acceptability

Conveners: Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga, Axel Creach, Oscar Navarro-Carascal

 Keynote: Grit MARTINEZ, College of Behavioral Social Sciences, University of Maryland

S5: Effect of climate change on Harmful Algal Blooms and impacts on marine and coastal socioecosystems

Conveners:  Philipp Hess

Keynote : Elisa BERDALET, CSIC, Barcelone, Spain; Scientific steering comittee chair of GlobalHAB

S6: Challenges and trends of future Maritime Structure

Conveners:  Jean-Christophe Gilloteau, Franck Schoefs

Keynote : Vincent NEARY, Marine Renewable Energy Technology Lead, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Keynote : Bela H.BUCK , Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research - AWI, Germany

S7: Interdisciplinary Challenges and Solutions for the deployment of Marine Renewable Energies (MRE)

Conveners:  Laurent Barthélémy, Emilio Bastidas-Arteaga

Keynote : Serge GRACIA, Responsable Projets Stratégiques, IDEOL

S8: New marine molecules: caracterization, isolation, production and living laws

Conveners:  Justine Dumay,Justine Marchand, Nicolas Ruiz and Benoît Schoefs

 Keynote : Hanhua HU - Chinese Academy of Sciences at Wuhan, China

Keynote : Mélanie Le Plaine Mileur, association Synpa

S9: Remote sensing for sustainable coastal zone management

Conveners: : Pierre Gernez and Vona Méléder

Keynote : Rodney Forster - Director, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, Hull University

S10: Questioning and sharing innovation in Higher Education on Marine Spatial Planning

Conveners: Brice Trouillet

Keynote : Prof. Igor Mayer, Breda University of Applied Science (NL)

In partnership projet SP-MSP, Erasmus +, Grant n°2016-1-DE01-KA203-002909).

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