Practical informations about presentations


Please send your presentation to before 1 July !


REMINDER : every presentations (oral, slides powerpoints and posters) must be in ENGLISH.


If needed (no obligation), you can use a template "OCEANEXT" for your oral presentation as for your flash presentation: (Available soon)

A laptop will be available on each conference room in order to read your powerpoint presentation. Office 2010, Open Office and a PDF reader will be installed on them. Please bring your presentation on a USB stick.

A laser pointer with a slide remote will also be available.

The projection screens are optimized differently, depending of the rooms :
Rooms 300 and 150 : widescreen 16:9
Room BC : normal 4:3 format
In Powerpoint, you can convert your slide aspect ratio by clicking on "design", then "slide setup".
Don't worry, even if your presentation has not the right aspect ratio, it will be correctly projected. The screen size just won't be optimized.



Poster orientation : vertical

Display surface : 144 x 84 cm

Fixation : with double sided adhesive tape (available on site)

Online user: 29