3 - 4 - 5 JULY 2019


At the core of LA MER XXL 


! News : Oceanext is on Twitter @oceanext2019 !


OCEANEXT 2019 is the second edition of the international multidisciplinary conference OCEANEXT, initiated in 2016 by the COSELMAR program (2013-2017). Organized by the Sea and Coastal Institute, OCEANEXT 2019 has for general theme "Building the future of marine and coastal socio-ecosystems". The conference will gather international scientists and will emphasize the multidisciplinary nature of the issues addressed.

OCEANEXT 2019 will be held at Nantes Exhibition Center in the core of the International Exhibition MER XXL. The exhibition will promote seas and oceans in their whole shapes, strenghs and weaknesses and their vital significance for the planet and humanity. The exhibition will start on the 29th of June and end the 10th of July. A 3 days pass for Mer XXL exhibition is included in the registration fee.

10 thematic sessions


S1 : Sciences and imaginations of the sea : to the tides to the abysses


S2:Seas and coastlines : controversies about resources, knowledge and uses. Session in french.


 S3: Climate change and social-ecological marine systems : from observations to complex models


S4: Climate change for coastal communities, infrastructure and cities: risks, adaptation and acceptability


S5: Effect of climate change on Harmful Algal Blooms and impacts on marine and coastal socioecosystems


S6: Challenges and trends of future Maritime Structure


S7: Interdisciplinary Challenges and Solutions for the deployment of Marine Renewable Energies (MRE)


S8: New marine molecules: caracterization, isolation, production and living laws


S9: Remote sensing for sustainable coastal zone management


S10: Questioning and sharing innovation in Higher Education on Marine Spatial Planning


In partnership projet SP-MSP, Erasmus +, Grant n°2016-1-DE01-KA203-002909).


4 Plenary lectures

Laurent BOPP (IPSL- LSCE, CNRS Paris, France),3 July

Chris BOWLER (IBENS, CNRS/ENS, Paris, France, 4 July


 Christophe LASSEUR (European Space Agency, The Netherlands) . 5 July,

Conference open to the public of La MerXXL, (in french).


 1 Round Table : Live a clean and productive Ocean . 5 July,

open to the public of La MerXXL, (in french).



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